As many Salvadoran children battle cancer, we seek to bring a moment of joy and smiles through fun interactions and activities. In addition, we will raise funds to help Fundación Ayúdame a Vivir, who provide free cancer treatment to all diagnosed children.

Our Plan
Project Objectives
- Collect money through the sale of t-shirts and sponsorships to reach our goal and fund the project: “Equipando Nuestra Sala de Procedimientos”
- Communicate with private sector companies that will allow us to achieve our monetary goal.
- Work with different embassies to get support for the project.
- Inform the population of diseases that impact the lives of Salvadoran youth on a day-to-day basis.
- Through online and face-to-face training, educate volunteers on how to treat patients.
- According to the preventive measures of COVID, the members of Operation Faith will have to go once every two weeks to the Help Me to Live medical center.
- During these visits, the volunteers will carry out the concept of Mobile Toy Libraries as well as activities offered by SANAR-T.
Student organized commitees were created to achieve our project objectives
Look for companies willing to sponsor our organization to finance the rehabilitation and chemotherapies planned to donate, as well as the Saturday breakfasts.
Plan crafts / art workshops with the help of Sanar-T to encourage children to see art in a therapeutic and interactive way.
Encourage patient education through board games and interactive activities. Volunteers will be in charge of teaching basic topics using attractive materials.
Create content about activities and visits to children on our social platforms. The members of the committee will be in charge of keeping our followers up to date with our operations.
Make videos showing the activities and visits throughout the year, in addition to making other smaller videos for social networks.
Draft and publish the monthly newsletter. This newsletter includes facts about our project, our process, and our objectives. It will also include facts about cancer and puzzles for the readers to complete.
Write official letters to our partners and sponsors to keep them informed about our operations.
Continue podcast and get people to interview
Continue with the EDUCA 503 project (scholarships), tutoring and subject base videos.

We are planning on starting Operation Hope in the UK and France. We would be working with ”Children with Cancer UK”. We will connect with people in: Manchester, London Paris
♦ Manchester
♦ London
♦ Paris
Project Timeline
Phase 1: Short term
August-October 2021 (Funds)
♦ Raise funds to finance necessary medical equipment at Hospital Bloom through the sale of t-shirts and the donations of public and private sector sponsors.
♦ Online and face-to-face training for volunteers.
♦ Infrastructure analysis of the organizations we are going to help.
Phase 2: Mid term
2021-2022 (August-May)
♦ Create groups of volunteers to go to the Medical Center on a weekly basis.
♦ Create mobile play libraries. The Mobile Play Libraries consist of a series of activities and games distributed by areas according to their theme, in which children play and experiment.
♦ Contact Sanar-T to promote art therapy. Art therapy is a type of artistic therapy that consists of the use of art as a therapeutic route.
♦ Continue with the podcast.
♦ Help with the necessary medical and nutritional supplies in the organization.
Phase 3: Long term
March 2022 (Donations)
♦ Help with the necessary medical and nutritional supplies in the organization